
Seller levels and fees

Last update 7 months ago

Level system

Wolflancer has a rewarding level system for sellers. Here's the breakdown:

New Seller:

This is your starting level. 

Gig allowed: 6
Monthly project bids: 5

Level 1 Seller:

You reach this level after completing 1 sale.

Gig allowed: 10
Monthly project bids: 10

Level 2 Seller:

You reach this level after completing 5 sales.

Gig allowed: 15
Monthly project bids: 15

Level 3 Seller:

You reach this level after completing 25 sales.

Gig allowed: 20
Monthly project bids: 20

Premium Seller:

This is a premium upgrade available for sellers. 

Gig allowed: 30
Monthly project bids: 30




Wolflancer has to take comissiosn from sales to help with marketing and operational costs.

Wolflancer takes a 15% fee from all sales. 

If you have any question regarding levels or fees, feel free to reach out to support via the support link, or find us on the live chat!





The minimum amount you can withdrawal is $20.